Quote page.jpg


An SEO success story

This net-new SEO page was created to target potential customers at the bottom of the sales funnel who are actively looking for a car insurance quote. I led the content design and wrote all copy for this project, which turned out to be the highest converting page on the entire site.

CTA conversion rate of 57% (site average is 13%)

Accounts for 27% of total profiles and total binds (policy purchases) on joinroot.com

Increased SEO ranking for “car insurance quote” by ~ 62%


Car insurance has a lot of competition. There are ~5.6M annual searches for “car insurance quote” from customers who are at the bottom of the sales funnel, readily looking to switch carriers. Prior to the creation of joinroot.com/quote, Root’s rankings were pages into the results.

We needed to increase our average organic position to deliver incremental profiles/policy volume.

Additionally, shoppers collect multiple quotes from various providers before making a purchase. We needed to immediately give users exactly the information they wanted to serve their needs, earn their purchase, and ultimately increase our search rankings.


We created a net-new landing page with targeted SEO terms and relevant content that served customers the information they needed to make a decision. They wanted to know how to get a quote, what they can manage and customize in the app, and what makes Root different. This information is immediately served in digestible chunks to answer questions quickly and prompt site visitors to get a quote.

The organic and paid versions of this landing page ultimately serve as a true success story.


  • Increased SEO ranking for “car insurance quote” by ~ 62%

  • Accounts for 13% of all sessions on joinroot.com

  • Bounce rate of 18% (site average is 42%)

  • Average session duration of 3.5 minutes (site average is 2 min 18 sec)

  • CTA conversion rate of 57% (site average is 13%)

  • Accounts for 27% of total profiles on joinroot.com

  • Accounts for 27% of total binds (policy purchases) on joinroot.com

How I helped

I researched competitor pages, wrote all the copy (and strategically puzzled in SEO terms), and led UI efforts (content hierarchy/architecture). I worked with my fellow design partner to see it through completion. I also created coordinating paid ad creative for Facebook and Google Display.

This work was not done alone. Thank you to my collaborators—designers, project managers, scrum masters, supervisors, and everyone else—for your talent, guidance, and hearts. I appreciate you.


Root Home App Copy


2019 Focused Driving Campaign